Public Meetings
As your Police and Crime Commissioner, I want to understand the issues that affect you so that my decisions are informed by community feedback. I want you to have trust and confidence in the police and will carry out a number of activities to facilitate open communication with the public, partners and stakeholders. I want you to engage with me so that we approach and solve problems together.
If you would like to invite me to a public meeting please contact my office in a way that best suits you or complete my contact form.
Joint Audit Committee
To participate in the medium of Welsh, Members of the Public are required to provide at least 7 days’ notice to guarantee such provision. Should we receive late notification we will do our best to provide this service but cannot guarantee.
Please see full details of meetings and Terms of Reference here.
We currently have no upcoming events.
Policing Accountability Board
To participate in the medium of Welsh, Members of the Public are required to provide at least 7 days’ notice to guarantee such provision. Should we receive late notification we will do our best to provide this service but cannot guarantee. If you would like to use translation equipment you will need to let us know on 01267 226440
Please see here for details of the next Public Accountability Board meeting, previous meetings held and minutes.