Dal i Godi

Dyfed-Powys IDVA service

The IDVA service addresses the safety of victims who are at high risk of harm from intimate partners, ex-partners or family members, including ensuring your safety and the safety of your children.

Once we have received a referral, we will contact you for further information and to discuss your support needs.
We will inform you of your housing rights and options and the legal process, explaining the effectiveness of criminal and civil remedies.

We can help you develop your own personal safety plan and action plan based on your specific circumstances.
Our aim is to be a single point of contact, contacting other agencies on your behalf and attending meetings and court with you.
We can also help you stay in your own home if you wish, ensuring it is safe - exploring the option of having extra security measures and will help you develop a personal security plan to help keep you safe .
IDVA will contact you in a secure way.
The IDVA will represent you at MARAC, a multi-agency risk assessment conference.
The IDVA assigned to you will complete a risk assessment with you and help develop a safety plan specific to your needs to reduce the risk of further harm to you and/or your children.
IDVAs work from a point of crisis towards independence and lives free from abuse.