The Dyfed-Powys Police and Crime Panel scrutinises, challenges and supports my work. It has 14 Members – County Councillors and members of the public. News from their latest meeting is here.

The panel may accept or block my decisions on issues such as the Council Tax precept and the appointment of the Chief Constable.


It is independent, politically balanced and does not scrutinise the police – that’s my role.

To tell the panel your views you can send an email, complete a web form, phone 01267 224055 or write to

c/o Robert Edgecombe
Carmarthenshire County Council Legal Services
County Hall
SA31 1JP
01267 224018

The Panel’s Annual Report and Public Survey aim to encourage greater public awareness of and involvement in the work of the Panel so that it focusses its efforts on the issues that really matter to the public.

Please get it touch with us with your comments and suggestions.


 To view the Annual Report click here