PCC Dafydd Llywelyn signs national Road Safety Pledge to reduce the number of fatalities on Dyfed-Powys roads

Today, Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Dafydd Llywelyn signed the 2024-2028 Project Edward Pledge, to reaffirm his support and to the campaign, by committing to play his part throughout his current term of office to help reduce the number of people killed and seriously injured on the roads of Dyfed-Powys.
Project Edward (Every Day Without A Road Death), is an annual UK-wide road safety campaign backed by government, the emergency services, highways agencies, road safety organisations and British businesses.
The theme for 2024’s campaign is ‘Data Driven Action, for safer mobility’, and organisers are encouraging people to sign the Project Edward pledge, confirming their willingness to ensure road safety.
Today, Project EDWARD organisers were in Police Headquarters to meet with PCC Dafydd Llywelyn to discuss road safety challenges in the Dyfed-Powys area,
PCC Dafydd Llywelyn said: “Road safety is such an important issue, and one we can all play our part in by reflecting on the risks we face and the risks we pose to others. As a leader committed to the safety and wellbeing of everyone in my region, today, I have pledged to prioritise road safety through comprehensive and collaborative efforts.
“Recognising that road safety is a shared responsibility, I am committed to engaging with local communities to understand their road safety concerns and work together to address them.
“Once we launch our new Police and Crime Plan for 2025-2029 later on this year, I will be regularly reviewing and reporting on road safety progress and challenges, holding myself, my Office, and Dyfed-Powys Police to account”.
Today, Project Edward organisers were travelling to all Police Force areas in Wales to meet with the Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) and will be releasing a series of video interviews with all PCCs in October.
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Article Date: 03/05/2024