Frequently Asked Questions


Chief Constable Complaints

How do I complain about the Chief Constable

Complaints against the Chief Constable can be made by using one of the following methods:

  • Email:
  • By Post: OPCC, PO Box 99, Llangunnor, Carmarthen, SA31 2PF

 What Information should I include in a complaint?

When making your complaint, please include as much detail as possible about what happened such as:

  • What was said or done and by the Chief Constable?
  • Times and dates.
  • Were there witnesses or evidence such as documents or photographs?
  • What outcome are you wanting to achieve?

 What constitutes as a complaint against the Chief Constable?

The PCC is the appropriate authority only when a complaint is about the conduct of the Chief Constable.

If it is about the decisions of the Force in general, or about a delegated power rather than the conduct of the Chief Constable, these matters should be directed to the Professional Standards Department.

 Complaints after the Chief Constable addresses the public

A complaint can only be made against the Chief Constable when they address the public if the complainant was adversely affected by what was said.

 Definition of adversely affected

 A person will be considered to have been adversely affected if they have suffered any form of loss, damage, distress or inconvenience as a result of the matter complained about, if they have been put in danger or otherwise unduly put at risk of being adversely affected.

 Can I request a review of the complaint decision?
If your complaint was about the Chief Constable, you will be told who to contact if you wish to request a review in your outcome letter.

Reviews of the handling of complaints

 When can you ask the Police and Crime Commissioner for Dyfed Powys for a Review of your complaint?

 If you are unhappy with the outcome of your complaint, you may wish for the way it was handled to be independently reviewed. 

If your complaint has been recorded under Schedule 3 of the Police Reform Act 2002, which means that it has been considered and finalised by the Professional Standards Department, you have the right to apply for a Review of the outcome of the complaint. The Professional Standards Department will inform you of your rights within their outcome letter.

The Review will consider whether the handling and/or outcome of your complaint is reasonable and proportionate.

How can an application for a Review be made?

An application must be made within 28 days of being sent the written outcome of your complaint.

An application must be made in writing and state the following information:

  • The details of your complaint.
  • The date on which the complaint was made.
  • Who dealt with your complaint?
  • The date on which you were provided with the details about your right to a review.

Alternatively, you may complete the review application form which is available on the OPCC website Complaints Process

Can you re-investigate my complaint as part of the review process?
No, we cannot re-investigate your complaint, we can only assess how your complaint was handled and whether this handling and the outcome of your complaint was reasonable and proportionate.

 What will happen once the application for a review is submitted?

We will also contact the Force’s Professional Standards Department and ask them to provide any information they have about your complaint and how it was dealt with.

Once we have received all of the information the review will be referred to an external and independent organisation who will conduct the Review who  will refer their findings to the OPCC who will make the final decision This outcome will be communicated to you in writing.

Please read our Privacy Notice on how we process information relating to complaints and reviews

What does Upheld/Not Upheld mean in relation to the outcome of my review?
If a complaint is upheld, it means that the service the police provided did not reach the standard a reasonable person could expect.
If a complaint is not upheld, it means that the service the police provided was of a standard that a reasonable person could expect..

Can I appeal the review decision?
There is no right of appeal about the decision you have received from the review of your complaint. If you do not believe your review has been dealt with in accordance with the law, then you will need to seek independent legal advice.

I want to make a complaint about the review decision
If a complaint is solely about the dissatisfaction with the decision, then this will not be treated as a complaint and the decision will not be revisited. As mentioned above, you will need to seek independent legal advice on the next steps available to you.

I need help to provide you with information about my complaint or review
We endeavour to make our services accessible to everyone. If you have a specific requirement, please contact us to discuss how we can help you. Our details are as follows: